Friday, February 15, 2008

Hillary video...yowch

I'm not a big fan of campaign videos...this one doesn't change my mind...can anyone say "Row, row, row your boat for Roosevelt"?

Northern Illinois shooting

According to CNN, six people have died, 21 are in the hospital, 7 in critical condition.

Apparently the gunman came out from behind a screen in a lecture all and started shooting.

My take:
Certainly both pro- and anti- gun lobbies will use this very real tragedy to promote their agendas. From all indications at this point, nothing would have prevented this. I think the "lesson" of this incident, if there is one, is that sometimes there are bad people who do bad things, and we can't always prevent it from happening.

Although I tend to be pro-gun rights in general, since the gunman had apparently planned to kill himself as well, I'm not sure how much of a deterrent it would have been to have more people on-campus armed.

It goes without saying...prayers for the families of all affected. May the Lord comfort them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

McCain, Obama win big, start targeting each other

Here is a link to some shots McCain and Obama took at each other in what is looking more and more like the matchup in the fall.

Funny line from Keith Olbermann tonight...he said all candidates should set a rule to speak BEFORE Obama rather than afterward. No kidding! Whether someone is for Obama or against him (I'm for him), you have to admit - this guy is good.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mike Erickson on the issues...or not

Has anyone noticed Mike Erickson's website doesn't really say much at all about where he is actually at on the issues?

It strikes me as a little strange that he's accepting online donations and asking for volunteers, but not saying anything about where he is on the issues.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Thoughts on Not-Quite-Super Saturday

Here are some random thoughts on today...

  • Saw Obama's I don't agree with much of what he says, but you have to admire his ability to work a room. He reminds me of a young Muhammad graceful, so smooth, so quick, that you forget how powerful his shots are.
  • Clinton isn't out of it...but she's really behind the 8-ball. There's tremendous momentum for Obama, and if it goes to the convention there will be tremendous push for Obama to be the nominee.


  • Not a good night for Republicans. McCain shows real weakness, yet he's inevitably going to be the nominee. So at this point the nomination process has shown there are three candidates, and three factions that have yet to come together: Romney with the economic conservatives, McCain with the national security conservatives, and Huckabee with the social conservatives.
  • What's the deal with McCain and Romney? I just noticed the last few times McCain has talked, he makes a point about saying he is continuing to have talks with Romney and that "together we will have success in November." Definitely grist for the rumor mill.

Oregonian - Wyden aide talks up Novick for 5th District run

This blurb in the Oregonian by Jeff Mapes quotes an aide to Ron Wyden as indicating they'd love Steve Novick to run for Darlene Hooley's 5th District Congressional seat. Here's what he has to say about it:
My favorite comes from Josh Kardon, chief of staff to Sen. Ron Wyden,D-Ore.
He talked up the idea of U.S. Senate candidate Steve Novick moving overto the
5th CD race."This is probably the only race where their bench comes close to
ours,"said Kardon. The only potential candidate we could run with high
namerecognition across the district is Steve Novick and I have no idea if he has

The article goes on to say Novick has no stated interest in giving up his Senate run. Of course, things can change. He could use the money he's already raised. He's also likely the highest-profile person the party could get at this late notice.

Right now, it sounds like Vance Day is supporting Mike Erickson on the GOP side, even though there are some potentials (like Kevin Mannix) who are perceived to possibly be stronger candidates. Time will tell...