Friday, February 15, 2008

Northern Illinois shooting

According to CNN, six people have died, 21 are in the hospital, 7 in critical condition.

Apparently the gunman came out from behind a screen in a lecture all and started shooting.

My take:
Certainly both pro- and anti- gun lobbies will use this very real tragedy to promote their agendas. From all indications at this point, nothing would have prevented this. I think the "lesson" of this incident, if there is one, is that sometimes there are bad people who do bad things, and we can't always prevent it from happening.

Although I tend to be pro-gun rights in general, since the gunman had apparently planned to kill himself as well, I'm not sure how much of a deterrent it would have been to have more people on-campus armed.

It goes without saying...prayers for the families of all affected. May the Lord comfort them.

1 comment:

RightDemocrat said...

I agree. It is a very tragic situation but doubt that more gun laws could have prevented it from happening.