Saturday, February 07, 2009

Back from hibernation...and a thought on the stimulus

So, I'm back to blogging after a hiatus...been a long time, sorry I was gone, yadda, yadda yadda.

On the stimulus, I really have one thought...does anyone actually think senators have thoroughly studied this bill? I don't have a problem with spending the money on the face of it, but it makes me very nervous to pass a huge spending/stimulus bill with so little time to actually go over it, to make sure the bill will actually do what it's intended to do, in the most efficient way possible.

It's kind of like buying a used car...when someone tells me I have to act now, and there's no time to analyze it or think it over, I tend to reach for my wallet.

One of the basic tenets of being a blue-dog Democrat is fiscal responsibility. This doesn't mean not spending means spending it wisely. I hope this bill does that, but I remain unconvinced.

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